An encyclopedic work by authors with extensive experience in Mississippi's surface geology mapping program. Among over a thousand images are fossil illustrations of Devonian trilobites, Mississippian scale trees, Pennsylvanian brachiopods, Cretaceous dinosaur bones, Paleocene lignite and petrified wood, Eocene seashells, whales, Oligocene marine fossils and rare land mammal finds, Miocene plants and animals, Paleozoic marine fossils, and the bones of giant ice-age mammals. The text is arranged by geologic age.

Economic Minerals cited in the book include oil and gas (both methane and carbon dioxide), lignite, dimension stone, crushed stone, sand and gravel, various clay deposits, limestone, and potential economic deposits of bauxite, heavy minerals, and iron ore. Finally, The Geology of Mississippi, coupled with site-specific surface geologic maps, provides information for the wise use of land and the environmental protection of the state's resources.

Author(s): David T. Dockery III & David E. Thompson
Year: 2016
Language: English
Publisher: University Press of Mississippi; Copublished with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality; Cover and book design: Alcorn Publication Design
Publisher Location: Jackson, MS
Pages: 751
* Physical Copy Price: $80.00
Additional Costs: 7.00 US Shipping (subject to change, please contact map sales office for more information)