Manufacturer Take-Back Programs
Below is a list of manufacturers that are known to have a Take-Back program in operation. If there is a manufacturer that you know offers a Take-Back program and is not listed below or if a manufacturer’s program has changed since this list was published, please email Jennifer Wells the details including the manufacturer’s website(s) detailing the program. gram.

Apple will recycle iPods and cellphones free of charge and will recycle computers and montiors free of charge with the purchase of an Apple computer and/or monitor. More information may be found here.

Canon has a consumer recycling program that costs $6/12/36 depending upon the type of equipment being recycled. Most Canon equipment is eligible for recycling including calculators, scanners, copiers, binoculars, and projectors. The charge for the recycling mainly covers the shipping costs to Canon’s contracted e-waste recycler. More information may be found here.

Dell will recycle any Dell products for free anytime or will recycle any other computer system with the purchase of a Dell computer.

Hewlett Packard offers several methods to recycle most HP products. More information may be found here.

Lexmark offers free recycling of end-of-life Lexmark printers and printer supplies. More information may be found here.

LG Electronics has joined with Waste Management to offer drop off locations for recycling LG, Zenith, and Goldstar brand televisions, monitors, digital video players, video cassette players, and other equipment at WM Recycle America eCycling Centers. More information may be found here.

Samsung has several different recycling options for Samsung-branded electronics and other manufacturers’ electronics when purchasing new Samsung electronics. More information may be found here.

Sony offers various recycling options. More information may be found here.

Toshiba has partnered with Dealtree/ to offer free recycling of all Toshiba branded electronics. If your item has some monetary value, a check for the amount it is worth is sent back to the consumer. Other brands of electronics may be recycled through this program; however, free recycling and/or cash back may not apply. More information may be found here.