Stormwater Runoff Management Manual

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction to Stormwater Runoff Processes

Chapter 2: General Planning Concepts for Stormwater Runoff Management and Overview of Low-Impact Site Design and Smart Growth Concepts

Chapter 3: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Preparation

Chapter 4: Best Management Practices Design

Conservation Easements
Development Districts
Infrastructure Planning
Open Space Design
Protection of Natural Features
Street Design and Patterns
Urban Forestry

Site Design
Alternative Turnarounds
Eliminating Curbs and Gutters
Green Parking
Green Roofs
Narrower Residential Streets
Riparian/Forested Buffer

Grassed Swales
Infiltration Basin
Infiltration Trench
Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Pervious Asphalt Pavement
Pervious Concrete

Bioretention (Rain Gardens)
Catch Basin Inserts
Sand and Organic Filters
Vegetated Filter Strip

Constructed Stormwater Wetland
Dry Detention Ponds
In-line Storage
Wet Pond

Additional Criteria
Additional Recommended Design Criteria, Specifications, Methodologies

(Available in Appendices: Developing Plans & Designing Best Management Practices)
A: Erosion and Stormwater Runoff Calculations
B: State and Federal Regulations, Permits and Applications
C: MS One-Call and 811 Color Coding
D: Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Examples
E: Model Ordinances for Stormwater Management
F: Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Inspection Forms
G: Mississippi Department of Transportation Vegetation Schedule
H: Glossary
I: References
J: Local Information