
Agency Interest – People, places, or operations of interest to MDEQ. An agency interest is generally a location such as a site or facility that is regulated by MDEQ.

Agency Interest Identification Number (AI ID) – Unique identifier assigned to each Agency Interest.

Alternate/Historic ID – An alternate or historic identifier for an agency interest such as a permit number or hazardous waste identification number.

Alternate/Historic Name – An alternate or historic name for an agency interest such as a legal corporate name, or a previous or historic name.

Basin – A collection of watersheds (the area where rainfall collects) that drain into a nearby river. The state is divided into ten basins: Big Black River Basin, Yazoo River Basin, Coastal Streams Basin, Mississippi River Basin – direct dischargers to MS, North Independent Streams Basin, Pascagoula River Basin, Pearl River Basin, South Independent Streams Basin, Tennessee River Basin, Tombigbee River Basin.

Certificate of Coverage – Permission to operate under the terms of a general permit.

Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) – The Federal Clean Water Act passed by the U.S. Congress to control water pollution. It was formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972.

General Permit – A permit that is developed for a specific activity. Applicants are granted coverage to operate within the guidelines and conditions of the General Permit.

Hazardous Waste Permit – A permit issued under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for the transportation, storage, treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste.

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) – The federal program for regulating direct and indirect wastewater discharges to the environment under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA).

NPDES Permit – A permit issued under the CWA that regulates direct wastewater discharges of pollutants to receiving waters of the state.

POTW – Publicly or Privately Owned Treatment Works.

Pretreatment Permit – A permit issued to regulate non-domestic wastewater discharges to Publicly or Privately Owned Treatment Works (POTW).

Solid Waste Permit – A permit issued to operate a solid waste management facility.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code – A numbering system used to identify various types of industrial activities. The SIC Code is published by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. A particular industry may have more than one SIC code if it conducts several types of commercial or industrial activities.

State Operating Permit (SOP)- A permit issued under Mississippi State Law to an air emissions source for facilities that are not SMOP or Title V.

Synthetic Minor Operating Permit (SMOP)- A permit which covers any air emissions source which would otherwise constitute a major source, except that the owner or operator elects for federally enforceable emissions limitations.

Title V Operating Permit – A permit which covers a major air emissions source.