Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction to Erosion and Sediment Processes

Chapter 2: General Planning Concepts for Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management

Chapter 3: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Preparation

Chapter 4: Best Management Practices Design

Site Preparation
Construction Phasing/Sequencing (CPS)
Construction-Exit Pad (CEP)
Construction Road Stabilization (CRS)
Land Grading (LG)
Topsoiling (TSG)

Surface Stabilization
Chemical Stabilization (CHS)
Dust Control (DC)
Erosion Control Blanket (ECB)
Housekeeping (HK)
Mulching (MU)
Permanent Seeding (PS)
Preservation of Vegetation (PV)
Retaining Wall (RW)
Shrub, Vine and Groundcover Planting (SVG)
Sodding (SOD)
Surface Roughening (SR)
Temporary Seeding (TS)
Tree Planting on Disturbed Areas (TP)

Runoff Conveyance
Check Dam (CD)
Diversion (DV)
Drop Structure (DS)
Grass Swale (GS)
Level Spreader (LVS)
Lined Swale (LS)
Outlet Protection (OP)
Riprap-lined Swale (RS)
Subsurface Drain (SD)
Temporary Slope Drain (TSD)

Inlet Protection
Block and Gravel Inlet Protection (BIP)
Excavated Inlet Protection (EIP)
Fabric Drop Inlet Protection (FIP)
Straw Bale Inlet Protection (SBIP)

Sediment Control
Brush/Fabric Barrier (BFB)
Filter Strip (FS)
Floating Turbidity Barrier (FB)
Rock Filter Dam (RD)
Sediment Barrier (SB)
Sediment Basin (SBN)
Straw Bale Sediment Trap (SST)
Flocculants and Polymers (FLC)

Stream Protection
Introduction to Stream Protection
Buffer Zone (BZ)
Channel Stabilization (CS)
Stream Diversion Channel (SDC)
Streambank Protection (SP)
Temporary Stream Crossing (TSC)

(Available in Appendices: Developing Plans & Designing Best Management Practices)
A: Erosion and Stormwater Runoff Calculations
B: State and Federal Regulations, Permits and Applications
C: MS One-Call and 811 Color Coding
D: Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Examples
E: Model Ordinances for Stormwater Control
F: Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Inspection Forms
G: Mississippi Department of Transportation Vegetation Schedule
H: Glossary
I: References
J: Local Information