Restore Council Comprehensive Plan

In May of 2013, the Council released a Draft Initial Comprehensive Plan, which provides a framework to implement a coordinated, Gulf Coast region-wide restoration effort in a way that restores, protects and revitalizes the Gulf Coast. The Council unanimously approved the Plan in August, 2013. It will guide the Council’s actions to restore the Gulf Coast ecosystem and economy. The Plan establishes the Council’s goals for the region and provides a process to fund restoration projects and programs as funds become available. Over the next few years, development and implementation of this plan will be an iterative process leading to a comprehensive, region-wide, multi-objective restoration plan based on the best available science.

On August 23, 2016, the RESTORE Council released the Draft 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update: Restoring the Gulf Coast’s Ecosystem and Economy, the proposed update to its 2013 Initial Comprehensive Plan. The RESTORE Council updated its Initial Comprehensive Plan to account for developments in Gulf restoration such as the resolution of civil claims against BP for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, a source of future funding for the RESTORE Council’s projects. The update also captured important public input and lessons learned from the process of developing and approving its Initial Funded Priorities List (FPL), its first slate of restoration activities funded through the RESTORE Act. This update provided strategic guidance to the Council and positioned it to make the most effective use of future funds as they became available in 2017.

The RESTORE Council hosted a series of public meetings across the Gulf Coast and two public webinars to discuss the Draft 2016 Comp Plan Update. Public comments on the draft Comprehensive Plan Update were received from August 23, 2016 to October 7, 2016. On December 16, 2016, the RESTORE Council voted to approve the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update: Restoring the Gulf Coast’s Ecosystem and Economy.

2013 Initial Comprehensive Plan

2013 Initial Comprehensive Plan (Vietnamese)

2016 Comprehensive Plan Update

2016 Comprehensive Plan Update (Vietnamese)

Programmatic Environmental Assessment

Programmatic Environmental Assessment (Vietnamese)